Data stored in the SIS

2017. 07. 18., Tue - 00:58

Information on the Schengen Information System (SIS):

· How the system works?

· The changes of the SIS

· How to access data stored in the SIS?

· How to request the correction or the deletion of inaccurate or false data stored

  in the SIS?


To learn about the SIS and the changes of the system from 7th March 2023 please visit the website of the European Commission:


If any person wishes to obtain information of data stored in SIS relating to him or her or to correct or delete incorrect or unlawfully stored data relating to him or her, he or she may personally turn to any police station, government office or any foreign representation of Hungary by filling the appropriate form which will be forwarded to the International Law Enforcement Cooperation Centre (ILECC).


The ILECC may deny providing information in reasonable cases; however, they are obliged to inform the applicant of the fact and legal basis of denial. Should the applicant consider that the response of the ILECC is inappropriate, he or she may contact the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority (



The form is available here:

Border information

Ártánd - Borş

Csanádpalota Autópálya Határátkelő - Nădlac II

Csengersima - Petea

Nagykereki - Bors II