Legal statement

2017. 08. 03., Thu - 00:19
Budapesti Rendőr-főkapitányság

The Hungarian National Police Headquarters – as the operator of the website of the Police – would like to inform the visitors on its practice followed in the field of personal data management, its organizational and technical measures concerning data protection and on the rights of persons concerned and their enforcement options.

1. Data manager and legal basis of data management

The data manager is the Hungarian National Police Headquarters (1139 Budapest, Teve u. 4-6.).

The legal basis of data management is the consent of the person concerned, based on the Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information 5.§ (1) paragraph a), which in this instance, is realized throughout the fact that being aware of the content of the general information, visitors and users are entitled to decide whether to use this service or not under the mentioned conditions.

2. Managed data

2. a.) At the same time with visiting the website of the Police, the start date, the IP address of the user’s computer and – in case the user’s computer informs on it – the type of web browser and operation system will be registered. The registration of the latter two serves solely statistical purposes, will not be linked to the remaining registered data. The website of the Police does not use cookies, just a so-called session ID which does not include personal data and will automatically be deleted when leaving the page.

3. Purpose of data management

3. a.) The purpose of data collection indicated in 2. a.) is to generate visitor statistics; moreover, it has security purposes too.

The data manager will not use the personal data for other purposes than the indicated ones.

4. Duration of data management

4. a.) Data indicated in 2. a.) will be stored 4 weeks long, following that it will irreparably be deleted.

5. People who have access to the data

5. a.) The system administrators of the website of the Police can have access to the data indicated in 2. a.).

Personal data will not be handed over to third persons beside the ones indicated above. This does not applies for the eventual, obligatory data transfers set out by the law which can solely be done in exceptional cases. The data manager analyses, before fulfilling the particular data requests of the authorities, whether the legal basis and obligation of the data transfer are established.

6. Rights of users regarding the management of their personal data

Data indicated in 2. a.) will automatically be registered, the users themselves will decide whether to provide further personal information which can more closely be attributed to the particular user.

Users can ask for information on the management of their personal data. Upon request, the data manager provides the persons concerned with information on the managed data, the purposes, legal basis, duration of data management, on the name and address (headquarters) of the data manager, on the activities related to data management, furthermore, on the fact who and for which purposes obtains or has obtained the data. Information can be requested at the following e-mail address:

7. Enforcement options

Users who believe that the operators of the website of the Police have violated their right to personal data protection, can enforce their claim before civil court of justice or may ask for the help of the data protection commissioner. The detailed legal provisions related to this and to the obligations of the data manager are set out by the Act LXIII of 1992 on the Protection of Personal Data and Public Access to Data of Public Interest.

Border information

Ártánd - Borş

Csanádpalota Autópálya Határátkelő - Nădlac II

Csengersima - Petea

Nagykereki - Bors II