Electronic administration
If you wish to administer your police cases in English language, please visit the inNOVA portal!
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Have you been fined?

Did you drive fast? Did you run a red light? Maybe did you not pay a toll for using the road?

During the UEFA Europa League Final, the Budapest Police Headquarters will provide an increased police presence in the inner districts of the capital and other venues affected by the match.
Do you, your family or friends need help?
Please, call the 112 emergency number.
Border crossing information
Accessibility statement
The National Police Headquarters (hereinafter: ORFK) is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with Act LXXV of 2018 on Accessibility of Public Sector Websites and Mobile Applications.
Serbia has closed its borders from passenger traffic
Freight traffic is still undisturbed.
Hungarian-Slovakian border traffic agreement for the commuters
Those living and working in the border zone can go to work.
Slovakia reintroduces border control
From the morning of 13 March, Slovakia restricts entering the country.
Police checks at the austrian and slovenian border section
These measures are introduced to prevent the spreading of the coronavirus and to ensure the safety of Hungarian citizens.
Change in border control procedure
Dear Passenger!
From 11th October 2014, the verification of the identity of third country nationals under visa obligation shall also comprise the fingerprint verification on border checks.
The Police is authorized to verify the fingerprint of visa holders based on Section 35/B. (1) (2) of the Act XXXIV of 1994 on the Police.
NEW RULES ON PASSPORTS concerning non-EU nationals
The Hungarian Police informs third country nationals (NON-EU citizens), that according to REGULATION (EU) No 610/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council, from 19 July 2013 third country nationals may enter into the Schengen area only if their travel document (passport) validity extends at least three months after the intended date of departure from the territory of the Member States and has been issued within the previous 10 years.
Border crossing
Information ON border crossing FOR NON-EU citizens
Time of residence
In case of entry with passport (if the owner is NOT subjected to visa requirements) or ID card,the maximum period of lawful stay is 90 days within 6 months.
Minors wishing to travel abroad
In case of a minor travelling abroad we suggest the minor or his fellow passenger to carry adeclaration of consentfrom the parents (or if the minor travels with one parent only, from the other parent), in which they allow for their child to travel and stay abroad. The declaration should be in the language of the destination country, respectively the transit countries, or a translation should be enclosed to it.
Issuing a visa at the crossing point
In exceptional cases and upon written request, visas may be issued at border crossing points.
Opening a temporary crossing point
A temporary border crossing point can be under Articles 10-16 of the Governmental Decree 332 of 2007 (XII. 13.) on opening and operating border crossing points and the temporary border crossing points.
Data stored in the SIS
Information on the Schengen Information System (SIS):
Border information